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How to add products to PrestaShop?

How to add products to PrestaShop?

Table of Contents

In this article, you will learn how to add products to your PrestaShop.

Add Category

First, you should create a new category of products for your shop. To do this, login to your admin area and go to Catalog > Categories and press on Add new category.

On the next page, you have to add the information for your category. Note that if you have a multi-language application, you should press on the language icon to add descriptions for all languages you have installed. You may change the language via the drop-down next to the desired field. Once you are ready, press Save and the category will be added.

Add Product

Now you can add some products to the newly created category. Go to Catalog > Products and click on NEW PRODUCT in the upper right corner. On the next page, enter the details of your product – name, category, image, price, attributes, quantity, etc. You may also create a new category upon a product’s addition via the Create a category button in the bottom right corner.

Once ready, click on Save. Once you save and enable it, the product will become available for your visitors to purchase. You may enable a product by clicking on the red cross under the Status menu. Clicking it would change the status to active and you would see a green tick instead of the cross.

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