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How to create a blog site with Drupal?

How to create a blog site with Drupal?

To create a blog in Drupal, go to Manage > Structure and click on the Content types menu.

After that, press on Add content type which would lead you to the content type creation page. After you choose a name for your content type, just click on Save and manage fields. When your new content type is ready, go to Structure > Content types again. Now you should see the newly created content type in the list.

From the Manage fields drop-down menu for the Blog content type, select Add field. From the drop-down, choose Comments: comment. Edit the Label if necessary and press Save and continue when you are ready.

Create a new Blog page via Content > Add content. Make sure to choose the Blog content type. After you adjust the Title, URL alias and other settings accordingly, press Save.

Now your new awesome blog page is ready!


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