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WordPress User Roles - How to Add, Remove, and Manage Users?

WordPress User Roles - How to Add, Remove, and Manage Users?

What Are The WordPress User Roles?

WordPress user roles define the permissions and responsibilities assigned to different users within a WordPress site. These roles play a crucial role in determining who can do what on the website, ranging from creating and editing content to managing site settings. We’ll familiarize you with all of the WordPress User Roles and their attributes:

  1. Super administrator – The Super Administrator user role in WordPress holds the highest level of authority within a multisite network. This role is specific to WordPress installations that utilize the multisite feature, allowing the management of multiple sites from a single WordPress installation. The Super Administrator possesses full control across all sites within the multisite network.
  2. Administrator -The Administrator user role in WordPress is one of the most powerful roles on a single-site WordPress installation. Users with the Administrator role have extensive control over the site, making them responsible for site management, configuration, and content administration.
  3. Subscriber – The Subscriber user role in WordPress is the most basic role with limited permissions. Subscribers are primarily consumed and don’t partake in the website administration. This role is often used for individuals who want to engage with a site by subscribing to updates, comments, or newsletters.
  4. Editor -The Editor user role in WordPress includes content management permissions without including the administrative capabilities of higher roles. Editors are entrusted with overseeing and maintaining the quality of content on the site.
  5. Author – The Author user role in WordPress is designed for individuals who contribute original content to the site. Authors have specific permissions tailored to content creation and management, striking a balance between editorial control and administrative tasks. In other words, a person who can publish and manage their posts.
  6. Contributor -The Contributor user role in WordPress is tailored for individuals who provide content contributions to the site but have limited permissions compared to Authors. Contributors play a role in content creation while relying on Editors or Administrators for publication approval & management.

How To Create Or Manage WordPress Users?

To manage your blog’s users, go to your WordPress admin area > Users.

To add a new user, click on Add New and fill in the username, first and last name, email, and password. Choose a role from the Role drop-down menu and click Add User to complete the user registration. The following are the roles in WordPress:

You can manage existing users from the same section as well. When you hover on top of already existing user an “Edit” link will appear which will allow you to edit its details and change the user’s role.

You can delete one or more WordPress users by selecting them and choose Delete from the Bulk actions drop-down menu. Also, there is a drop-down menu called “Change role to…” which you can use to change the roles of multiple users.

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