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How to change the page content order in Drupal?

How to change the page content order in Drupal?

By default, the latest content in Drupal is displayed on the top of the page.

To have a content item displayed above others, use the sticky option. To stick a content item, log in to your Drupal admin area and go to:

Administer > Content management > Content

Choose Edit for the article you wish to “stick”. You will find the sticky option under Publishing options. Check the “Sticky at top of lists” option and click Save.

To change the ordering of already published items, you will need to change their publish date. You can do so again from:

Administer > Content management > Content

Choose Edit for the desired article then choose Authoring information. Edit the “Authored on:” field accordingly. Note that content items with the most recent dates will be displayed on top of the pages.

Example: If you have 2 articles that you would like to have displayed always on the top of a page, both of them should be set as sticky. Then, if you would like the one you have posted first to be displayed on top of the other, you will have to change its published date to a more recent one.

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