How to troubleshoot WordPress blank page?

How to troubleshoot WordPress blank page?

In the majority of the time a “white screen of death” can occur if a certain plugin is not functioning properly. It could also be caused by a poorly coded theme that your website is using.

Check out this short video on easy and effective tips on how to solve the White Screen of Death in WordPress:

Alternatively, read below the steps you can go through in order to solve this issue:

  • Change PHP Version

In case you’ve performed any recent theme or plugin updates, you should change the PHP version of your website to check if this will have any effect on your pages. This can be done easily via Site Tools > DevsPHP Manager.

  • Modify PHP variables

Depending on your WordPress setup your website might require higher PHP server resources. You can increase the value of memory_limit and enable output_buffering at your host in order to verify if this was causing the issue.

If you are a SiteGround customer you can do that from your cPanel, under PHP Variables.

  • Disable all plugins

You can deactivate your website plugins from Site Tools. After that, you can test your website.

If the website starts working correctly this means that one or more of your plugins are causing the issue. To find out the problematic plugin, activate the plugins one by one from your WordPress wp-admin and then test your application. If the problem appears after enabling a particular plugin this means that the plugin that you have activated has been causing all the troubles.

After the problematic plugin is found check whether it is compatible with your version of WordPress. If you plan to use it contact the plugin’s developers and report the issue.

  • Replace your website theme

You can switch your website theme to a default one like twentyseventeen to check if your theme is causing the blank page issue. Access your Site Tools > Site > MySQL > phpMyAdmin and navigate to your WordPress database on the left side. Select the wp_options table and update the following values:

template and stylesheet to twentyseventeen for example.

You can again test your website and verify if the issue is resolved.

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