Other Applications
What is Joomla! JCE?

What is Joomla! JCE?

JCE is an abbreviation for Joomla! Content Editor. As its name suggests JCE is a content editor for Joomla! CMS. It further enhances the default content management capabilities for Joomla! and provides many additional options.

One of the major advantages of using Joomla! The JCE component is that you do not need to know HTML or CSS to create sophisticated content without many limitations.

Here is a list of features as presented on Joomla! JCE component official website:

  • Office-like functions and familiar buttons make formatting simple;
  • Upload, rename, delete, cut/copy/paste images and insert them into your articles using an intuitive and familiar interface;
  • Create Links to other Sections, Categories, Articles, Weblinks, and Contacts¹ on your site using a unique and practical Link Browser;
  • Take control of your code with syntax highlighting in the Advanced Code editor and advanced style and element attribute editing;
  • Integrated Spellchecking using Google™ Spellchecker (or PSpell and ASpell).

The standard Joomla! JCE component package is free and released under GNU/GPL license. Additional features are subject to fees. Both the free standard version and the additional packages can be downloaded from the Joomla! JCE official website.

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