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What are the payment modules in VirtueMart?

What are the payment modules in VirtueMart?

VirtueMart comes with several pre-installed Payment Modules.

  • PayPal

PayPal integration is made using a Webform that transfers the customer to the PayPal site. This payment method allows automatic Order Status Updates. There’s a file in /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/ which is called notify.php. You will need to enter the appropriate URL (web address) for the script file in PayPal control panel. When a customer finishes the Payment, the PayPal server connects to this script on your server. When the transaction AND the payment have been successful, the order status is automatically updated to the status you have set in the PayPal configuration form.

  • Worldpay

Worldpay integration is made using a Webform that transfers the customer to the Worldpay site. Allows automatic Order Status Updates. There’s a file in/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/ which is called worldpay_notify.php. You will need to enter the appropriate URL (web address) for the script file in WorldPay control panel. To edit the file, go to your Site Tools > Site > File Manager. When you click on Edit, you should be able to enter the requested url. When a customer finishes the Payment, Worldpay connects to this script on your server and when the transaction AND the payment have been successful, updates the order status.

  • 2Checkout

This payment module acts very similarly to the PayPal Payment Module: It transfers the customer to www.2Checkout.com where all payment details can be entered. After that, the customer is directed back to your site. But before you must make the following steps:

  • Fill in your details for 2Checkout in your Shop, Store > Payment List > 2Checkout. For the field Secret word just choose a secret word (without spaces!! max. 16 characters), fill it in and keep it in mind.
  • Login to your 2Checkout account at www.2checkout.com.
  • Go to the section called “Look and Feel”.
  • Fill in “https://YOUR_JOOMLA_URL/2checkout_notify.php” into the fields Approved URL and Pending URL
  • Fill in the secret word from Step 1 into the Field Secret Word.
  • Move the file YOUR_JOOMLA_PATH/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/2checkout_notify.php to


When those steps have been completed, use 2Checkout with automatic Order Status updates on your site.

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